ISVD Student Membership

Student Membership: Eligibility

Since membership is free for dermatology and pathology residents, their applications must be accompanied by a letter from a supervisor confirming residency status, including projected date of completion of residency program.

Membership subscription will be done through the website by the applicant.

Membership in this Society will be terminated by judgment of the Executive Board for the following reasons:

1) completion of the residency or the PhD

2) drop out of the resident or PhD program

3) suspension or revocation of license to practice medicine.

4)  falsification of information utilized for acceptance into or determination of level of membership in the society.

5) any other major breach of ethical standards while serving the Society.


Membership Benefits

Members will have access to a members only area in the ISVD website the “Dashboard” that includes the ISVD Listserv, Case of the Month, Case of the Month Archives, Mystery Slides Archives and ISVD Listserv Archives. Members that sign up for the ISVD Full Membership plus online Veterinary Dermatology Journal Subscription will in addition have a link on their Dashboard to access the Veterinary Dermatology Journal.

The ISVD Listserv is available for members to discuss interesting, controversial or difficult cases on the topic of dermatology/dermatopathology, so that other members can provide comments, suggestions or more questions.

Members are eligible to apply to the ISVD Research Grant and also to enter the Case of the Month Award.

ECVP and ACVP residents will have the same discounted meeting registration fees like the dermatology residents.

Price: Free