Welcome to ISVD!
ISVD Full Membership: Full Membership shall be limited to veterinarians with an interest in dermatopathology.
N.B. Please note that new memberships may take up to 48 hours to confirm.
Price: | $80.00 |
ISVD Full Membership plus online Veterinary Dermatology Journal subscription: Full Membership shall be limited to veterinarians with an interest in dermatopathology. This membership plan includes online access to the Veterinary Dermatology Journal. Please note that this plan is only available during renewal season, typically November-December each year.
N.B. Please note that new memberships may take up to 48 hours to confirm.
Price: | $177.00 |
ISVD Student Membership: Residents (or resident-equivalents, such a PhD fellows or interns) in dermatology or pathology will have their membership fees waived during the residency period.
Applications must be accompanied by a letter from their program supervisor containing the following:
1. Student name
2. Type of residency program
3. Projected date of residency completion
**Failure to provide a letter that includes ALL of the above information will result in rejection of the membership application
N.B. Please note that new memberships may take up to 48 hours to confirm.
Price: | Free |
ISVD Affiliate Membership: Affiliate membership shall be open to all non-veterinarians* who are graduates in an allied medical field and are interested in veterinary dermatopathology * and/or have either earned a PhD, DVM or DDS or are researchers, scientists or non-veterinarians with a demonstrated special interest in pathology of the skin or research; Affiliate members shall not vote or hold office in the organization.
N.B. Please note that new memberships may take up to 48 hours to confirm.
Price: | $80.00 |
ISVD Retired Membership: Retired membership shall be reserved for members that retired from their role in academic or private institutions and request to remain ISVD members. Retired membership shall be approved by the Executive Board after review of the request and confirmed retired status of the applicant. Retired members shall not have the right to vote or hold office in the organization and shall not be required to pay annual dues.
N.B. Please note that new memberships may take up to 48 hours to confirm.
Duration: | Lifetime |
Price: | Free |