The International Society of Veterinary Dermatopathology (ISVD) is planning to support its members for research projects up to a total of $11,500 USD. One or several small projects will be funded. The proposals will be reviewed blinded by a subcommittee, including members of the board and ISVD members.
Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Relevance to the field of veterinary dermatopathology
- Feasibility of the project
- Quality of background information/pilot study
- Quality of the proposal
Funds are available for direct costs only and up to $1500 may be used for travel to present the findings to ISVD. Institutional overhead costs as well as salaries for investigators and technicians will not be supported.
Please submit your proposal (guidelines below) by April 20th 2025. Grants will be awarded by May 31th 2025, and funds will be transferred to the principal investigator thereafter. The awards will be officially announced on June 1st 2025 via the ISVD listserv.
Please note: If the work cannot be completed within the academic year (Oct 2025 to Sept 2026), an update report needs to be submitted with justification for an extension. The results have to be presented within 2 years. If the recipients are not able to attend that particular ISVD meeting then that can present the results at an annual meeting of the ECVP, ACVP, ECVD or ACVD and then present the data again in the following meeting of the ISVD. If the research project has not been completed within two years the award funds need to be returned to the ISVD. Recipient(s) of an ISVD grant in 2024/2025 may not apply for another grant until 2026/2027.
Electronic submissions in a Word document should be sent to:
Dr. Stefano Borio