Section 1. Requests for membership applications should be made to the Secretary, who shall serve as the chair of the Membership Committee. The secretary will then forward the official application blank to the prospective member; the application blank may also be downloaded from the website. The completed application is sent to the Treasurer via mail, FAX, or electronic submission. After receipt of payment and processing by the Treasurer, the applications will then be forwarded for review by the Membership Committee, who will offer a recommendation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board will review this recommendation at the next annual meeting, or via electronic mail, and make a decision on membership. If a Board has not yet been elected, then the Membership Committee will have the authority to make decisions on new membership.

Section 2. If an applicant believes his/her request for membership was not thoroughly or accurately evaluated, the applicant may state in writing the reasons for this belief and submit necessary supporting documentation. The application will be reevaluated by the Executive Board during their next meeting. Final decision for all but honorary membership rests with the Executive Board. If a Board has not yet been elected, then the Membership Committee will have the authority to review appeals for membership and make final decisions.

Section 3. Membership in this Society will be terminated by judgment of the Executive Board for the following reasons:

1) failure of any member to pay dues to the Society following two successive annual billings;

2) suspension or revocation of license to practice medicine;

3) falsification of information utilized for acceptance into or determination of level of membership in the society;

4) any other major breach of ethical standards while serving the Society.

Section 4. A demit may be secured upon written application to the Executive Board.



Section 1. The officers and the other two (2) at large Executive Board members shall be elected from the floor at the annual business meeting of this Society, or via the ISVD listserv.

Section 2. After the first two (2) years of the existence of this Society, a Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board at least two (2) months prior to election. The Nominating Committee shall recommend at least one qualified full member for each office and for each of the two (2) at large board positions. Nominations will also be solicited from the membership via the ISVD listserv.

Section 3. At least one (1) officer and one (1) at large member of the Executive Board who is not an officer should be a resident of North America. At least one (1) officer and one (1) member of the Executive Board who is not an officer, should be a resident outside North America.

Section 4. Nominees standing for election as board member need to submit a reference or supporting letter preferentially from an ISVD member

Section 5. The final list of nominations compiled by the nominating committee will go forward to the membership via the ISVD listserv. Elections may be held via the listserv at least two (2) weeks prior to the next annual meeting. An officer or at large board member is considered elected by winning a majority of the respondents votes.




Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings; shall serve as chair of the Executive Board, and shall serve on the budget committee. The President or his/her designee shall appoint ad hoc committees, as needed; and, at the conclusion of his/her term of office, shall serve one term as a member of the Executive Board.

Section 2. The Vice President shall:

a) Become acting President to fill the unexpired term, if for any reason the President shall be unable to fulfill the duties of office.

b) Become President of the organization and shall serve as President after the President has completed his/her term of office.

c) Act as chair of the Program Committee.

d) Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence or at his/her request.

Section 3. The Secretary shall:

a) Be responsible for maintaining permanent and complete minutes of meeting of the members and of the Executive Board. A report of past minutes shall be made to the membership and Executive Board at annual meetings.

b) Be responsible for maintaining applications for membership and shall serve as chair of the Membership Committee in evaluation of applicants.

c) In general, perform all duties incidental of the Office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Executive Board.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall:

a) Be the custodian of all funds and be responsible for the proper accounting for all receipts and disbursements of the Society.

b) Serve as Chair of the Budget Committee.

c) Present at each annual business meeting, a report of the financial status of the Society, reviewed and approved by the President, and such additional financial reports as the Executive Board may require.

d) In general, perform all duties incident to the Office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the President or by the Executive Board.

Section 5. The IT/Social Media manager shall:

a) Be responsible to update the ISVD website consulting/collaborating with the ISVD IT Team when necessary.

b) Be responsible to update the Social Media pages.

c) In general, perform all duties incidental of the Office of IT/Social Media manager and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Executive Board.


Section 1. The Executive Board shall be the governing body of the Society; shall give majority approval to the payment of any non-recurring expenses in excess of five hundred (500) dollars; shall recommend membership; shall appoint non-elected members of standing and ad hoc committees, and shall meet to conduct Society business as requested by any officer.

Section 2. A majority of members of the Executive Board must be present to constitute a quorum.




Section 1. The term of office for those serving on any of the standing committees shall be two (2) years. Members may serve successive terms under appointment by the Executive Board. Standing committees will not be implemented until after the 2nd year of the existence of the Organization. Prior to this time the Executive Board or ad hoc committees will assume the responsibilities of the standing committees.

Section 2. For each standing committee, there must be at least one (1) at large member who is a resident of North America and one at large member who is a resident outside North America.

Section 3. The Membership Committee shall consist of the Secretary and two (2) other members at large. This committee shall perform initial evaluations of all applicants and make recommendations to the Executive Board.

Section 4. The Program Committee shall consist of the Vice President and three (3) other members at large. This committee shall organize the program for the annual meeting of the Society, evaluate abstracts and insure that appropriate facilities are available for seminar presentation.

Section 5. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board, and shall make nominations for officers and the two (2) at large board members.

Section 6. The Budget Committee shall consist of the President and Treasurer. The committee will approve all recurring expenses, and non-recurring expenses less than five hundred (500) dollars. Non-recurring expenses in excess of this amount must be approved by the Executive Board.

Section 7. Additional standing committees can be established, or current standing committees can be disbanded, by approval of the Executive Board. (and majority vote of full members at the annual meeting has been deleted in the interests of expediency).


Section 1. The business meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President.




Section 1. An initial membership fee in (U.S.) dollars shall be paid by each interim charter member and new member. This fee shall take the place of the annual dues from the time of acceptance of the member until the next date of annual membership renewal (First day of first month of calendar year).

Section 2. The annual dues for all members except honorary members shall be shall be remitted to the Treasurer.


Section 1. Proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be reviewed and supported by at least three (3) members in good standing, and submitted to the Executive Board via the internet for its consideration. The Executive Board will present the proposed amendments to the full membership via the ISVD listserv at least 60 days prior to a call for a vote. Discussions regarding the proposed changes may take place via the listserv. A call for a vote will be made via the ISVD listserv following presentation of the proposed amendments on the listserv. An affirmative vote of the majority (at least 50%) of the membership respondents shall be required for the adoption of any amendment. Votes will be tabulated, and results distributed to the membership via the listserv.